• Home > How To Use > FAQ
Who can be a free user ?
Anyone involved in partnering, business development and licensing who registered with free services.
They can receive e-mail newsletter and submit industry news/articles, reports, events/exhibitions free of charge.
Who can be a Client ?
Anyone who registered with Client membership.
They can use all services, search partnering data for a candidate, submit candidates to look for a potential partner.
If a Client can find out a candidate, he can visit the related website or contact the potential partner directly.
How can I change my details after registered?
log in using your username and password and Your account allows you to control your details after registered.
What happens to my credit card details when I register with Client membership ?
When you register on our website, you are transferred to --------, a secure external payment site. Here you can safely enter your credit card details and become our Client.
After the payment details are processed, you will receive an email confirming your registration.