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This website is a very powerful tools for pharmaceutical partnering, BD&L.
Furthermore, appropriate use leads you to an excellent potential partner.

How to search Start Search

- First of all, taking advantage of the Terms showed.
- To search for a product with Lab code ABC1234, however no results, we may try again ABC 1234, ABC-1234 or just ABC.
- To search for immune related indications such as immune, immuno--, autoimmune etc., we’d better type and search immun to get as
many results as possible.
The same is true with other terms.
- Using broad indication to search for a product in the early stage development.
For example : Cancer, Immun.
Using detailed narrow indication to search for a product in the late stage development.
For example: Chronic myelocytic leukemia, Psoriasis.
- Searching the Original product as well to find out Partnering status, Generic (Bio-similar) Development Status of a product.

How to submit View Sample DataSubmit Your Data

- Dossier for a submitted and listed product complies with CTD format and GMP of USA or EU.
- Please search first.
If you find the product you want to submit and list, update the details.
If you do not find the product you want to submit and list, make new one.
- Do not type home page address but the detailed address for the product information.
For example : www.abcd.com (not good) www.abcd.com/research/pipeline.htm (good)
- Please type the abbreviation form in ( ) right after the full terms.
For example : Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitor, Chronic obstacle pulmonary disease (COPD)
- Submit and list as detailed narrow indication as possible at that development stage.
- If you submit and list your Generic product without the original product listed, you have to make new one. In this case, you can type
in the Original product as much details as you know.